Pokemon Origins Review

What everyone wanted in the first place... WATCH - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lw7qHqm2t6U It's weird to think that in this present day that Pokemon, A Nintendo prized gaming Gem and a popular kids animated T.V series is very much still around and is still popular. If you don't know, I am 20 years old, so pretty much I was one of those kids that was seriously into Pokemon when it started out; I played the games and even though looking back now it was bad, the T.V show was just one of those things I watched. Now admittedly, I never properly played the Red or Blue versions of Pokemon when they were first released due to the fact that my older brothers luckily got the chance to own them.I remember specifically the day my older brother got Pokemon Red and the rest of us would just watch him play it closely. I know it sounds a bit weird, but in a way, that's what Pokemon did to a lot of kids at the time I guess, it was something that was simp...