Mary Poppins sequel - THOUGHTS

WHY?!... If I had to choose one aspect that annoyed me when watching any particular film in recent years, it would be how Studios and especially Directors who go out of their own imaginative way, to pursue a film idea that was either a reboot of a somewhat older but popular film that everyone had already enjoyed, or a unnecessary sequel to a film that had already done well on it's own and never in the slightest, needed another story to follow on. Now don't get me wrong, there has been the odd occasion when these reboots or sequels tend to work and pay off like with Peter Jacksons 2005 film of King Kong (arguably) and with Brian De Palma's Scarface . Despite this however, it does anger and upset me when a well known film from way back when, is re-done in another film that honestly is worthless watching. It's imperative for the likes of Directors, Producers and especially the writers, to come up with a film that is o...