My favourite Halloween films to watch...

Pick of your Pumpkin... "Tis now the very witching time of night, when churchyards yawn and hell itself breathes out contagion to this world." - Shakespeare. All right, hello everyone and welcome to this Halloween special Blog Post that I am about to do. So basically, if you're a vivid reader of my Blog Posts, you'll obviously know that the general Posts that I put out on occasion heavily relate to me reviewing films or in other cases, at least talking about any particular aspect of film. Since it is Halloween today, I thought what better way to 'celebrate' Halloween, then to talk about and go through the films that I either normally watch around Halloween time, or at least films that scare the living soul out of me. What would be even better do than just listing my films, is to hear from YOU and what films you like or scare you the most. It honestly can be any film that you can think of; it doesn't necessarily have to be a film strictly related to ...