
Showing posts from January, 2016

The Revenant Review

Survival of the Visual Poetry?... While I'm sure there are a few reading this right about now that are familiar with Alejandro GonzƔlez IƱƔrritu's past works, most noticeably with Babel back in 2006, I think it's fair to say that the general consensus of us were introduced to IƱƔrritu through his 2014 filmic piece of Birdman , a film that at the time, was going head-to-head with The Grand Budapest Hotel in terms of the award nominations. If you've seen Birdman , then it's not surprising to understand that it is a film that implements the continuous-long takes, provided by Emmanuel Lubezki, which in turn succeeds in creating this extensive and realistic approach which places the viewer in a 'trapped' perspective; a perspective that gazes upon Michael Keaton's character struggling to maintain control of the situation that he is in. In the case of IƱƔrritu's latest piece of The Revenant , while it's unquestionable to deny that this film admi...

2016 films to look out for...

Here we are again... Hey everyone!! and once again, happy belated New Year! haha. Sorry if this Post hasn't is a bit late or what not, I did have to focus on the University assignments that I had to do and I can't really juggle essays and Blog Posts at the same time. Believe me guys, if I was Superman and I had to the power of a million suns, then yeah... you would have seen something only people witness in their lifetime haha. So since this is the first proper Blog Post that I am doing of 2016, what better way to start the year off, then to talk about the films that are coming up throughout this year. What I found interesting doing this list, is how many ambitious and risky films that are coming up. In general, I thought 2015 was a good year for film, with a mixture of good genre films on display. With this year, I'm getting this feeling that there will be films that will do better than expected, and some films that have this hype, yet in the end, will be a massive ...

New Year... Same aims - Blog Update #3

G.O.A.L.S: Reaching the Crossroads "The New Year stands before us, like a chapter in a book. waiting to be written. We can help write that story by setting goals." (Melody Beattie). Hey everyone and welcome back to my Blog in 2016!!! I hope everyone had a good Christmas and an awesome New Year, I know I did. So as promised from last year, I wanted to start the year off by doing a quick and informative update regarding on what to expect in the coming weeks on this Blog, to briefly go through my personal summary of 2015, how I want to go and tackle a big year in 2016 and also to talk about what to expect in the coming weeks in this Blog and the U.K. Blog awards 2016. I know looking ahead, this could be one of the best years of my life if everything goes as planned and to do that, I know I have to work hard. It's definitely going to be a year of change that's for sure. Anyway, before I get down to 2016, I want to briefly summarise my year of 2015!! So without...