The Best Anime Openings...
The ones that stand out.... I don't think it's any surprise for people who generally know me that I do enjoy watching anime. I was brought up in a generation when animation was dominating the scene and when anime, was beginning to become part of the norm of viewing pleasure in the west. This is evident with shows such as Pokemon for example which stemmed across the different artistic mediums of being a manga which turned into a show and became a gaming franchise that is still going on for 20 years now, which is kind of staggering to think about. What is also kind of crazy to think about, is the amount of 'anime' shows I've watched and how many of them, really have good openings to them which out-class openings to live-action shows that ordinarily get the praise and most notice. In this rather different and special Post, my attempt is to share with you, the openings that are well... just really good to watch and listen to. While there will be selections from J...