
Showing posts from December, 2018

My Hero Academia: Two Heroes Film Review

Animation Affirmation While it may seem uncommon, given the circumstance that these types of films aren't commonly shown at the theatres for numerous times and dates, it's fathomable to perceive just how necessary it is for a popular Japanese animated T.V. show to delve into the cinematic realm and wow its devotee's with a separate and elongated story. Indeed, in taking a look at many popular anime shows such as Fullmetal Alchemist , Bleach  and Dragon Ball Z  which have each respectively dabbled onto the silver-screen more times than the ordinary cinema-goer maybe aware of, it's almost a rite of passage for these shows to test their distinctive merits to those who are intrigued merely at the sight of the drawn animation itself. While it's arguable that many of these series-to-film animations tend to form a cheap trend of exhibiting a context that's made to be rather forgettable and inconsequential in relation to what's already been told in their resp

Bohemian Rhapsody Film Review

Silver-Lining Malek While there are a plethora of filmic genre's that can easily make become lost within the exhibition itself, it's inherent for a well constructed biographical picture, or biopic (sub-genre of drama thematic), to make us forget about own lives since we become so engrossed in the lives we learn about on-screen. Though novels of the same nature can provide detailed accounts of the complete life of a specific person and put greater emphasis on larger events of history that we're aware of, a biopic can help cinema-goers visualise and experience the lives of these famous persona's as though we're viewing the real-thing. A potent example of this can be seen in Stephen Spielberg's Schindler's List which horridly documents Polish-Jewish refugee's being hounded by the Nazi regime through a black-and-white grain; to accentuate the naturally grim nature of the context and to mirror real documentary footage of the same nature. In a way, biop