Attack On Titan: Season 3 (Part 1) Anime Review
From Horrific Fantasy To Political Nightmare? ๐ฎ Whether you're an anime enthusiast or someone who just keeps a tab on anything popular that a large mass of people are currently watching, the name of Shingeki no Kyojin , or Attack On Titan to make it accessible for everyone, is a Japanese animated show that must have come to your attention in one way or the other. Why? Well, much to the same degree as a lot of high-profile and well-received live-action shows in the forms The Walking Dead or Game of Thrones , Studio Wit's popular series inhabits a rather likeable aspect that audiences have come to grasp; characterisation. Amongst the aforesaid shows gruesome and Goya-esque monsters in the form of the titans and the inevitable fluid action that comes along with these entities, what's become more appealing to the devotee's that have followed Attack On Titan from its inception are the characters and how they're relationships with one another intriguingly chang...