Heroes Reborn - My opinions

Is it a good idea?

It's not often that we would see a reboot in television these days considering the fact that arguably we are living in an age where T.V and more specifically Internet streaming sites such as Netflix are pretty much dominating the world of entertainment by releasing for once, content that is both original and adapted content which people want to see on their little screens. Now 5 years on from it's proposed last and 4th season, 'Heroes', the cult show that started in 2006, will be coming back later on this year which as you can see from the picture above, will be called 'Heroes Reborn'. NBC roughly a year ago announced that Heroes Reborn will in fact be a mini-series which consists of 13 episodes and would reconnect with the basic elements of the show's first season in which ordinary people discovered that they had special abilities. The announcement of this reboot is certainly an interesting mixed package. While the show did overall falter down the piping order after their first and entertaining season, for me at least, there was still some promise about the show. Whilst I thought that seasons 2,3 and 4 didn't have that mysterious and thrilling tone which the first season did have, what intrigued me the most when I was watching all of the episodes right up to the end, was the array of characters that were in the show and how some of the characters had really interesting story arcs. I liked how we had a comedic element with Hiro Nakamura whilst we always had a serious but thrilling story element with Sylar, it just worked right up to the very ending of the whole series. Now that we have this confirmed reboot of this mixed viewed T.V series, I thought I'd basically give you my thoughts on what I think of this reboot and whether it'll retain some of the elements that the show excelled at with it's characters and the dark, mysterious tone that they captured really well in the first season.

So just from reading the first paragraph of this Blog post, you can obviously tell that Heroes back in that day was and still is my favourite T.V shows. It's cool that I was born in a generation that showed cartoon of super-heroes like Batman and Spider-man all the time. But to see Heroes when I was at high-school that took the super-hero element and turned it into a dark drama, was very interesting to me. I liked how season 1's set-up with it's episodes focused on specific characters at a time rather than it just introducing all the characters at once; it was a smart move from Tim Kring at the time (the person who wrote the series) to introduce each character one bit at a time. What was even better was the characters themselves. Obviously, people who liked the show will probably say that their favourite character is Hiro Nakamura due to the fact that he's a character that speaks out to the 'geek' audience who watch the show. Don't get me wrong Hiro is up their with one of my favourite characters throughout the whole seasons.
However, the one character that I found to be the most interesting is indeed Sylar. The mystery that shrouds him at the very start is something that was interesting but kind of scary at the same time. His reveal of how we became 'Sylar' was something I liked very much in that it felt I was watching Norman Bates or at least a character that Hitchcock that would came up with. If there were any two characters that I want to come back and at least make an appearance for this upcoming reboot, it would be Hiro and Sylar. those two characters would certainly help the new cast members to fill the boots of the rest.
One character that is a definite return is Noah Bennet A.K.A 'The man with the horn-rimmed glasses'. Probably one of the most consistent characters within the original series, Noah Bennet I think will be someone which everyone will like to see. It'll be intersting to see in terms of the story, what he'll be doing exactly, will he be running his own agenda and finding more people with powers. Don't forget that *SPOILERS, Claire Bennet played by Hayden Panettiere, revealed to the world that she had regenerative powers to the world by jumping off a carnival wheel. So it would incline that with this reboot, everyone in that world knows about people with special powers which in return questions Noah Bennet's purpose of this mini-series; what's he planning?.. what's his goal. With his return as well, it's positive that Kring will indeed plant old cast members with the new, which is something that I would like to see. I wouldn't mind if it was just Noah Bennets character returning and we just have the new cast members headlining instead; I just think the show would be even better if they brought back other cast members. One name that has actually been rumoured to come back is the actor who played Hiro Nakamura. He was after all, the character that brought the comic-relief of the show as well as having adventures of self-meaning.
Of the characters that I don't want to return to the show are obvious. I speak for some Heroes for when I say this, but Claire Bennet is someone I don't want to see in this reboot. Her overall character for me was just waning down. Her importance as a character in the first season being the 'cheerleader' was fine as it was. But her character following her growing up in a complicated fashion was just boring. I don't know if this is true or not as well, but apparently, the actress Hayden Panettiere was a bit of a brat off camera. Don't quote me on this, but she did coincidently stur up trouble for the other cast members, in particular Milo Ventimiglia who was actually dating Panettiere at the time of when they were shooting Heroes. 
Speaking of Milo and his character of Peter Petrelli, like Claire Bennet, I don't think he'll return whatsoever due to the fact that this is in fact a new show, and I think one of the goals of this mini-series is to find a new figure-head and main character you follow which incidentally  was the role of Peter. Also Milo has spoken out a couple of months ago saying he had a great time filming the show, but knows that there are other projects that he's into doing at the moment which is understandable really. As for other characters like Matt Parkman, Tracy Strauss and the Haitian, I don't think they'll return also. The way the show ended in the 4th season with those characters stories, it's unlikely we'll see any performance from these characters.

For this final paragraph, I briefly wanted to give you my thoughts on the recent trailer that has appeared for Heroes: Reborn. So it's just basically a 15 seconds teaser, however in this teaser, we clearly see either a man or a woman approach a snowy mountain side waving her arms to the sky using his/her power to summon what you will a aurora Borealis which in the centre we see the iconic eclipse which Heroes used as a sought of trademark for their intro and a plot device for the people who had powers. As the camera pans out, we clearly see the character of Noah Bennet looking confused as to what is going on and then looks at a man with a pair of binoculars. Overall the trailer did give me a slight tingle.. i'm not going to lie. Maybe it was the theme that plays over the trailer, but it does get me hyped to see what this new show can offer. As a fan of the show, I want this reboot to work. It has to be a series which hall-marks back to the 1st season of Heroes and not represent the seasons that followed after. If they can re-create that same mysterious tone that the 1st season offered up, then the reboot should be a successful mini-series and hopefully redeem itself. If you have read all of what I have said, as always, I thanks-you and you guys are awesome. If you guys have any opinions on this reboot or the original show, please as always, you more than welcome to leave a comment down below.

Thankyou for reading, to end you guys can check out the latest trailer that has been released for Heroes: Reborn.

Alex Rabbitte.


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