Blog Update #2 - Winter is coming...

So... it's time to say Goodbye!!... for now/Christmas and New Year...

"Expectancy is the atmosphere for miracles" (Edwin Louis Cole).

Hey everyone and welcome to yet another Blog Update where I go out of my way of not reviewing a film, and talk more about myself and what's coming up. So to summarise the talking points in this update, I'm firstly going to talk about why I won't be Posting consistently as of now and the reasoning behind this. Then I will talk about Christmas time and the new year and talking about why I love this time of year. Without further delay, let's roll...

I bid you farewell... for now

A definite watch for Christmas time...
So to get the serious issue at hand out of the way, I will in fact not be Posting anything consistently as of now. The next time I may return on a daily basis will in fact be sometime in the middle of January. There are a few reasons why I decided not to Post regularly from now on. The first and most important reason why I decided to do this is the fact that it's coming to the time of year now where University work of essays and presentations demand attention that can't be ignored. It's coming to a stage where I need to focus on University work which could be vital in deciding what I get in the end from Uni. As some of you will know, I am currently in the middle of my 3rd and final year at Salford University studying film and as each day goes by now, I'm really glad I chose to do Film at Salford. But I know at this stage of the game, I can't really afford to slip up on any work and I know if I continued reviewing films for you up to the new year, I could easily find myself in a predicament where I'm trying to balance both the Uni work and the Blog which can easily result in me getting poor marks and I don't want that to happen. If you're a reader who isn't at University and is aspiring to go, then one tip I would head to take in, is that you really have to be on top of the work that you're given, especially in the final year .I really hope you guys understand my decision to do this. It's just that responsibilities come first and I know I can achieve a overall good grade for film by the end of my final year. While I won't be here for you guys every-single week, What I can assure is that Blog Posts are coming before the New Year. One will definitely be a Blog Post talking about my favourite Christmas films to watch, similar to what I did with the Halloween Posts I did a couple of weeks ago, and there maybe a review of Star Wars: The Force Awakens as well, but I'm not sure when I will have the time to do this and Post it. The 2nd and last reason as to why I decided not to Post regularly for every-single week now is also because of the quality of the reviews and other Posts that I have put up recently. So on a consistent basis, I think I'm right in saying that I have posted regularly since the start of Summer this year and to this day and I'm really glad that I decided to Post nearly every week up until now. The thing is though, looking back at some of the Posts that I've done recently and the quality of the reviews and news pieces, it's obvious that I am struggling to maintain a consistent quality of Posts for you guys to read and really, that is unacceptable on my behalf.
Do expect a Christmas special...
One of the things that I like to keep in mind whenever I'm writing for this Blog or doing something else is that quality of quantity is something to keep in mind. Sure, in the end I will have a lot of Blog Posts for you guys to read, but I always want each and everyone of them to be as good as the rest. What would be the point of Posting a badly-written Blog to you guys so that I can say I have this amount of Posts to show? There wouldn't be any point and I know If I continued to Post weekly, the quality will deplete and that would mean starting from square 1 and I can't allow that to happen. I know some of you think that I should keep going and I really do understand, but I think this idea of my not Posting regularly will benefit me and you guys when I start doing things on a consistent basis in January. I really hope all of you guys understand. The way I see it, you guys reading my content, make up what this Blog is and I know if you like what I put out, then I don't see myself ever quitting this. I have a good feeling for next year as well as I have a few new ideas that I can put out for everyone. I can't wait to post regularly again, but until that time comes, I appreciate the good messages everyone's given me for this year and I hope everyone has a good new year and Christmas... speaking of which hehe. Now moving away from the serious stuff, lets now talk about my favourite part of the year!! CHRISTMAS!!!

Christmas and New Year - Simply divine

It is strange talking about Christmas and New Year now, not just because some people might think that it's too early to be talking about it in the first place, but it does genuinely feel only like it was yesterday since the last Christmas came around. More and more, I do think about how the time has just gone by this year and how so much has happened, good and bad. In all seriousness though, where has the time gone? haha. But I can't really complain, not now since Christmas is around the corner and reflecting upon past Christmas's, both when I was little and in recent years, there are very noticeable differences when you grow up with Christmas. The obvious one being that presents, as you get older, don't really become that important, at least for me anyway. Of course, when you're little it's the best part of Christmas and it's a moment no one can take away. But as you get older, you do learn to understand that you don't have to have everything you need or want. Instead, in recent years, I've actually found a real pleasure in giving presents to my brothers and my mum and to see their faces when they are opening the presents that I got them, is one of the best feelings and moments of Christmas for me in the past years.

The disappointing difference would be how drastic the weather doesn't live up to the expectancy of Christmas haha. What I mean, is simply how there does seem to be a lack of snow in recent years, yet when you're little, everyone has a fond memory of past Christmas's when it's snowy. For once, I do wish it did snow on the actual day of Christmas, I mean, we are due one aren't we!? I just want to build a juggernaut of a snowman (like we and my brothers did once which I named Zeus) and have snowball fights haha. Another good difference would be the change in traditions in what we do on Christmas Eve. The norm back when I was little would be to go to the pantomime at the Lowry Theatre with the older brothers and the cousins which reflecting upon those times now as I'm writing this Post, they were really fun times and did have it's fair share of banter moments. One good example would be when we were watching a re-imaginative work of Peter Pan or something and me and my third older brother got given these foam cube things that were meant to be thrown on stage at someone. But considering we didn't care about doing that, me and my older brother decided to just launch these foam cubes at the people watching below. I know by the time you're reading this, you'll be thinking that we're messed up or something haha. But it was funny, I mean the reaction of the people who got hit by our foam cube things was priceless. Moving on from that little story, as we got older, it was inevitable really that the pantomime was something that was more for kids and moved on. In recent years with the family, we generally go to the cinemas and watch a film of which all of us are excited for. So a good example from the past three years would be the trilogy of the Hobbit films that was really fun watching, especially since we watched in a high-frame rate 3-D screening which was an interesting experience. Obviously for this year and for the next couple of years, the films that we will be watching will be of course the trilogy of Star Wars films and like everyone, I am excited and I don't think it will disappoint. One Christmas tradition that I've started doing since my first year in college, is the attending of the Christmas markets at Town Hall in Manchester. Whether you buy something or not, it's just a fun place to go to nearing the time of Christmas. However, there is always something that catches you're eye to buy when going; I don't think anyone can tell me that they've been and not bought anything from the stalls. It's impossible haha. Speaking of buying things, one thing that I mentioned slightly in the beginning of this part of the Post, is the buying of presents for family. Again, as I'm writing this Post, I do really have to think about the presents that I should get for my brothers and my mum. What's annoying each year now, is that I always seem to out-better myself from the previous year with the quality of presents that I get. For this year then, I really am feeling the pressure in getting good-quality for my family since each one of them deserves something cool on Christmas day. What is funny thinking about general presents we get ourselves on Christmas is the amount of films we seem to get. While I love seeing the films we do get on Christmas day, another part of me thinks we do have to get rid of the dead-weight of films that we've gotten other the years on random days. I'm not even joking when I say we have 2 version of Disney's Jungle Book in our home. The thing is, I don't even know how this happened. Like with everyone holiday in the year, Christmas doesn't shy away from showing films and special T.V programmes over the festivities as well. One show that I'm looking forward too in particular is the Sherlock special on New Years day since it goes back to it's original routes of being set in Victorian London. I'm not going to talk into detail about the next year of 2016, but I will say now that it looks set to be a big and exciting time. While I'm planning to finally start driving lessons and hopefully get a driving license from those lessons, 2016 will be the year in which I hopefully graduate from Salford Uni and get my Film degree. After that moment which I'm striving for at the moment, then the crossroads will appear in terms of what job I get and what I want to do and achieve. At this moment however, I can at least think about all of this on a later date. To end this paragraph, for all of you reading, I hope each and everyone of you has a good Christmas and a New Year. I get the feeling that It'll be another good one this year!! :)

This theme always gets me in the mood for Christmas...

Right then, that about wraps everything up that I want to say I think. So just to remind everyone, this Post will mark the end of me being Posting consistently on my Blog... for now. But, what I can assure you all is that in December time, I will be Posting a somewhat Christmas special, similar to what I did on Halloween, where I go through films I love to watch around this time of the year which should be fun to do. If this is the last Post I do for the year then again, I really would like to thank everyone for reading the reviews and film-related stuff I have put out this year. Especially through the summer when normally, you guys rightly so would be on your holidays or what not. I know it's going to sound corny that's filled with a good cheesy wrap, but honestly, the fact that you a lot of you enjoy reading my stuff, really does inspire me to not only put out what I put out, but it also helps me to create things that hopefully inspires you and that is simply awesome. And looking ahead to 2016, I really hope that I can go the extra mile and offer up new things for you guys to witness. As I've always said, so long as you guys are happy with what I do on this Blog, I'm never going to quit doing what I do on here. Once again, thank-you to everyone who's joined me on this Blog, you all make up what this Blog is all about. I hope you all have a jolly-good Christmas and awesome New Year!!!

See You Soon Space Cowboys/girls.

See you all on a consistent basis in January!!! - Alex Rabbitte


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